Monitoring Progress Towards Open Defecation Free (ODF) Status in Kadjebi District

The Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit of the Kadjebi District Assembly recently conducted a comprehensive monitoring exercise as part of the UNICEF WASH Programme’s Sanitation and Hygiene Intervention. The focus of this initiative was to assess the progress of Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) efforts in several key communities within our district.

Over the past weeks, our team visited the following communities: Cement Freetown, Cement Jerusalem, Dzindzi Zongo, Ditsesu, Akum New Town, Dodo Danyiga Unit 1 and 2, Dzindzi Gborhome South, Dzamlume, Nardzormbe, and Ampeyo Zongo. Our objective was clear: monitor and evaluate the implementation of sanitation and hygiene interventions, identify challenges, provide recommendations, and offer support to field facilitators in their mission to help communities achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status.

During our visits, we engaged in various tasks and utilized specific tools to gather crucial data:

Monitoring Household Latrines and Hand Washing Facilities: We assessed the usage and condition of household latrines and hand washing facilities in each community. Understanding the accessibility and functionality of these facilities is essential for promoting proper sanitation practices.

Engagement of Community and Natural Leaders: We actively involved community leaders and influencers in our discussions. Their support and commitment are fundamental to driving behavior change and sustaining sanitation initiatives at the grassroots level.

Interaction with Households: We interacted directly with households to gain insights into their sanitation behaviors and challenges. This direct engagement helped us tailor our recommendations and support efforts to meet the specific needs of each community.

Through this monitoring exercise, several positive observations and challenges were noted. We commend the progress made by many communities towards achieving ODF status. However, we also recognize persistent challenges such as limited access to sanitation facilities and the need for sustained behavior change communication.

In response to our findings, we are committed to working closely with field facilitators and community leaders to address identified gaps and accelerate progress towards our sanitation goals. Recommendations stemming from this monitoring exercise will inform targeted interventions and capacity-building efforts in the coming months.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every community in Kadjebi District has access to safe and dignified sanitation facilities. Together, we can achieve Open Defecation Free status and promote healthier, more sustainable communities.

For further updates and information on our sanitation initiatives, please visit the Kadjebi District Assembly website.

Let’s build a cleaner and healthier future, one community at a time.

Posted in Events, PROJECTS.

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